Monitoring & modelling fluvial hydrogeomorphic response to leaky wooden dams
This work reports on field monitoring of two leaky wooden dam installations and integrates findings into a landscape evolution model.
This work reports on field monitoring of two leaky wooden dam installations and integrates findings into a landscape evolution model.
Using immersive technologies to communicate geomorphology and flood risk
Hedgerow deep learning and co-creation
Quantifying soil carbon using hyperspectral imagery
Published in Hydrological Processes, 2019
This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.
Recommended citation: Wolstenholme JM, Smith MW, Baird AJ, Sim TG. "A new approach for measuring surface hydrological connectivity." Hydrological Processes. 2020; 34: 538–552. [](
Published in Children & Society, 2023
#This paper is about the number 2. The number 3 is left for future work.
Recommended citation: Jones, L., Parsons, K. J., Halstead, F., & Wolstenholme, J. M. (2023). "Reimaging activism to save the planet: Using transdisciplinary and participatory methodologies to support collective youth action". Children & Society, 00, 1–16. ([]
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This is a description of your conference proceedings talk, note the different field in type. You can put anything in this field.