Publications & Presentations
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Wolstenholme, JM., Skinner, CJ., Milan, DJ., Thomas, RE. & Parsons., DR. in press. Hydro-geomorphological modelling of leaky wooden dam efficacy from reach to catchment scale with CAESAR-Lisflood 1.9j, Geoscientific Model Development.
- Wolstenholme, JM., Cooper, F., Thomas, RE., Ahmed, J., Parsons, KJ. & Parsons, D. 2025. Automated identification of hedgerows and hedgerow gaps using deep learning. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
- Ockelford, A., Wohl, E., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Comiti, F., Piégay, H., Darby, S., Parsons, D., Yochum, S.E., Wolstenholme, JM., White, D., Uno, H., Triantafillou, S., Stroth, T., Smrdel, T., Scott, D.N., Scamardo, J.E., Rees, J., Rathburn, S., Morrison, R.R., Milan, D., Marshall, A., Lininger, K.B., Kemper, J.T., Karpack, M., Johaneman, T., Iskin, E., Gibaja del Hoyo, J., Hortobágyi, B., Hinshaw, S., Heath, J., Emmanuel, T., Dunn, S., Christensen, N., Beeby, J., Ash, J., Ader, E. & Aarnink, J., 2024. Working with wood in rivers in the Western United States. River Research and Applications. 40, 1626–1641.
- Jones, L., Parsons, K, J., Halstead, F. & Wolstenholme, JM. 2023. Reimagining activism to save the planet - using transdisciplinary and participatory methodologies to support collective youth action. Children and Society.
- Wolstenholme, JM., Smith, MW., Baird, AJ. & Sim, TG. 2020. A new approach for measuring surface hydrological connectivity. Hydrological Processes. 34, pp.538– 552.
In Review
- Wolstenholme, JM., Skinner, CJ., Hackney, CR., Perks, MT. & Parsons., DR. In review. Flood hazard amplification by intra-event sediment transport. Communications Earth & Environment.
- Wolstenholme, JM., Skinner, CJ., Milan, DJ., Thomas, RE. & Parsons., DR. 2024. Localised geomorphic response to channel-spanning leaky wooden dams. EGUsphere.
- Parsons, KJ. & Wolstenholme JM. In review. Celebrating the unsung heroes: What young people, hedgerows, and playfulness have in common within the climate crisis discourse. Children’s Geographies.
- Wolstenholme, JM., Nolan, J., Townsend, E., Ahmed, J., Parsons, K., Davidson, G., Thomas, R. & Parsons, D. 2022. Differentiating Between Unutilised Gaps and Gaps for Access in Hedgerow Using Remote Sensing. The Tree Council.
- Wolstenholme, JM., Cooper, F., Davidson, G., Parsons, K., Ahmed, J., & Thomas, R. 2021. Hedgerows: Mapping The Gaps Final Report. Natural England.
- Smith, K., Thomas, R., Skinner, C., Davidson, G., Parsons, D., McLelland, S., Coulthard, T., Mazik, K., Harrison, L., Ramsden, S., Moloney, J., Ahmed, J., Carter, C., Wolstenholme, J., Halstead, F., & Betts, P. 2020. UK Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee Flooding Inquiry: Written Evidence from Dr Kate Smith et al. (FLO0043). Available from:
Conference Presentations
- Wolstenholme, J. The impact of not simulating dynamic geomorphology on flood inundation. British Society for Geomorphology Annual General Meeting 2024, Loughborough, UK, 02-05 Sep 2024.
- Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan, D., Thomas, R., & Parsons, D. 2024. Basin-scale hydrological response to leaky wooden dam installation. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8881.
- Tomsett, C., Leyland, J., Darby, S., Gernon, T., Parsons, D., Hincks, T., & Wolstenholme, J. 2024. Vertical Mixing of Suspended Sediment in Big Rivers using ADCP data and Machine Learning. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9717,
- Wolstenholme, JM., Skinner, C. J., Milan, D. J., Thomas, R. E., & Parsons, D. R. 2023. Monitoring and modelling riverine geomorphic evolution in response to leaky wooden dam installations. Gravel Bed Rivers 9, Villarrica, Chile, 10–13 Jan.
- Skinner, C., & Wolstenholme, J. 2022. Modelling the efficacy of leaky dams using a Landscape Evolution Model. British Hydrological Society 14th National Symposium. 12-14 Sep. Lancaster, UK.
- Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan. D. & Parsons, D. Catchment-scale geomorphological modelling of leaky dams using CAESAR-Lisflood. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May, EGU22-5730,
- Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan, D., & Parsons, D. 2021. Catchment-scale geomorphological modelling of leaky dams using CAESAR-Lisflood. 2021. River Restoration Centre 22nd Annual Network Conference. 21–22 Oct. Harrogate, UK.
- Wolstenholme, J., & Skinner, C. 2021. The 360 Lab. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10189.
- Parsons, K., & Wolstenholme, J. 2021. Mapping hedgerow gaps and fostering positive environmental behaviours through a combination of citizen scientists and artificial intelligence. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9453,
- Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan, D., & Parsons., D. 2019. Leaky dams for Natural Flood Management: assessing hydrogeomorphic impacts. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting. 9–11 September. Sheffield, UK.
- Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., & Parsons, D. 2019. The long-term geomorphological impact of Natural Flood Management. River Restoration Centre 20th Annual Network Conference. 30 April–1 May. Liverpool, UK.